辻本伸也ご担当の川端様は力持ちでとてもテキパキと作業をこなされていて、安心してお任せすることができました。 明朗会計でお客の立場に立った助言もしていただきまして、良心的なご対応にとても感謝しております。 ま...ご担当の川端様は力持ちでとてもテキパキと作業をこなされていて、安心してお任せすることができました。
(Translated by Google)
Mr. Kawabata, who was in charge of the project, was strong and worked very efficiently, so I was able to leave it to him with confidence.
He was very clear about his accounting and gave advice that always put himself in the customer's shoes, and I am very grateful for his conscientious service.
I look forward to working with him again next time.
Thank you for your help this time. -
須尭紀行今回初めて依頼して遺品整理をお願いしましたが担当の川端さんが親切で優しい感じで見積もりの段階から丁寧に説明してくれるし、費用も良心的でとても良かったです。 また整理する事が有れば次回もお願いしょうと...今回初めて依頼して遺品整理をお願いしましたが担当の川端さんが親切で優しい感じで見積もりの段階から丁寧に説明してくれるし、費用も良心的でとても良かったです。
(Translated by Google)
This was my first time requesting someone to sort out his belongings, and the person in charge, Mr. Kawabata, was kind and gentle, and gave detailed explanations from the estimate stage, and the cost was very reasonable.
If there is anything I need to organize again, I will ask you next time. -
おかざきともや急な申し入れにも関わらず、迅速に対応して頂き、助かりました。料金の説明も分かりやすく適正でした。 (Translated by Google) Even though it was a sudden request, they responded quickly and were very he...急な申し入れにも関わらず、迅速に対応して頂き、助かりました。料金の説明も分かりやすく適正でした。
(Translated by Google)
Even though it was a sudden request, they responded quickly and were very helpful. The price explanation was easy to understand and appropriate. -
西野悠基テレビの処分で他社との見積もりを確認して安かったのでお願いしました。 電話も丁寧に対応していただき、当日に引き取り可能ということで凄く助かりました。 取りに来てくれた方も迅速かつ丁寧な対応で利用して...テレビの処分で他社との見積もりを確認して安かったのでお願いしました。
(Translated by Google)
I checked the quotes from other companies to dispose of my TV and it was cheap, so I asked for it.
They answered the phone very politely and were very helpful in being able to pick up the item on the same day.
The person who came to pick it up was also quick and courteous, so I'm glad I used it.
I would like to work with you again if I have the opportunity. -
Keiki Osawa退去することになった祖父の部屋の片付けをお願いしました。複数の業者様に見積もりに来ていただき、1番安い金額を出してくださったクリーントラスト関西さんにお願いしました。見積もりから当日の片付けまで非常...退去することになった祖父の部屋の片付けをお願いしました。複数の業者様に見積もりに来ていただき、1番安い金額を出してくださったクリーントラスト関西さんにお願いしました。見積もりから当日の片付けまで非常に迅速で、こちらがお願いした通りに作業を進めていただけました。また機会があれば是非お願いしたいと思います。とても助かりました。この度はありがとうございました。
(Translated by Google)
I asked my grandfather to clean up his room when he was moving out. We had several companies come to give us estimates, and we went with Clean Trust Kansai, who offered us the lowest price. Everything from the estimate to the cleanup on the day was extremely quick, and the work was carried out exactly as we requested. If I have the opportunity, I would definitely like to work with you again. it was very helpful. Thank you very much for your time. -
Salma ChaoualiI highly recommend this company, I used them to dispose of some furniture and the process went very quickly and smoothly, the staff was very professional and friendly. この会社を強くお勧めします。...I highly recommend this company, I used them to dispose of some furniture and the process went very quickly and smoothly, the staff was very professional and friendly.
(Translated by Google)
I highly recommend this company, I used them to dispose of some furniture and the process went very quickly and smoothly, the staff was very professional and friendly.
I highly recommend this company. I asked them to dispose of my furniture and the process went very quickly and smoothly. The staff were very professional and friendly. -
ま急遽電話で依頼しましたが、即対応していただき助かりました。 金額も電話で先に伝えていただきました。 (Translated by Google) I made a sudden request over the phone, and they responded immediately and ...急遽電話で依頼しましたが、即対応していただき助かりました。
(Translated by Google)
I made a sudden request over the phone, and they responded immediately and were very helpful.
The amount was also communicated to me over the phone. -
yossy年末なのに急な対応にも関わらず即日に見積もりから回収までして下さり助かりました!対応も良くこちらに連絡してよかったと思います!ありがとうございました😊 (Translated by Google) Despite the sudden respo...年末なのに急な対応にも関わらず即日に見積もりから回収までして下さり助かりました!対応も良くこちらに連絡してよかったと思います!ありがとうございました😊
(Translated by Google)
Despite the sudden response even though it was the end of the year, they were able to provide me with an estimate and collection on the same day, which was very helpful! I'm glad I contacted you and the response was good! Thank you very much 😊 -
riko連絡してからすぐに日程を調節していただき、見積もりに来てくれました。 月末に引越しをするので、迅速な対応をしていただき感謝しております! 見積もりしてすぐに回収してくださったので助かりました! 丁寧な...連絡してからすぐに日程を調節していただき、見積もりに来てくれました。
(Translated by Google)
After I contacted them, they immediately adjusted the schedule and came to give me an estimate.
I am moving at the end of the month, so I appreciate your quick response!
It was a great help because they gave me an estimate and collected it right away!
Thank you for your kind response! -
藪内悟電話して15分程度でお見積りにきて頂き、当日の作業にも関わらず、爽やかスタッフさんがすぐに不用物の回収をしてくれました。 本当に助かりました。 (Translated by Google) It took about 15 minutes after I ...電話して15分程度でお見積りにきて頂き、当日の作業にも関わらず、爽やかスタッフさんがすぐに不用物の回収をしてくれました。
(Translated by Google)
It took about 15 minutes after I called to get an estimate, and even though the work was done on the same day, the refreshing staff quickly collected the unwanted items.
It was really helpful. -
山口即日で対応していただきとても助かりました! また不用品回収などがあればお頼みしたいと思います。 (Translated by Google) Thank you very much for your help on the same day! I would also like to ask if ...即日で対応していただきとても助かりました!
(Translated by Google)
Thank you very much for your help on the same day!
I would also like to ask if you would like to collect unwanted items. -
(Translated by Google)
My father, who lived alone, passed away and we did special cleaning and sorting of his belongings at his parents' house, which was left vacant. The house was built over 50 years ago, so I was surprised at how dirty it was and how much stuff there was, but after special cleaning, I was able to organize the necessary documents without worrying about insects. Once the necessary items have been taken out, furniture and other items can be taken out very quickly, so even if the house is left vacant for a while until it is demolished, it will not cause any inconvenience to the neighbors.
I believe that I was able to hire a good company because they responded quickly to my inquiries. -
濱隼貴見積もりにすぐきていただけ、担当してくださった方も丁寧で非常に印象が良かったです。 いくつか悪い評価があり少し心配でしたが、値段も良心的で、作業も早く本当に助かりました。 ありがとうございました。 (...見積もりにすぐきていただけ、担当してくださった方も丁寧で非常に印象が良かったです。
(Translated by Google)
They came right away to give me an estimate, and the person who handled my work was polite and I was very impressed.
I was a little worried because there were some bad reviews, but the price was reasonable and the work was done quickly, which was really helpful.
thank you very much. -
河田一真他社との見積りも取った中、お安くすぐに対応して頂きました。 また、機会があればお願いしたいです。 (Translated by Google) We received quotes from other companies, and they responded quickly and at a ...他社との見積りも取った中、お安くすぐに対応して頂きました。
(Translated by Google)
We received quotes from other companies, and they responded quickly and at a reasonable price.
I would also like to ask you if you have the opportunity. -
あんこ雨の中、1人で作業に来られテキパキと片付けていただき気持ちの良い仕事ぶりでした。 対応も感じ良く、機会があればまたお願いしたいです。 ありがとうございました。 (Translated by Google) He came to work a...雨の中、1人で作業に来られテキパキと片付けていただき気持ちの良い仕事ぶりでした。
(Translated by Google)
He came to work alone in the rain and cleaned up quickly, making it a pleasure to work with him.
The service was very nice and I would like to use them again if I have the opportunity.
thank you very much. -
俺の名はP店舗の粗大ゴミを回収していただきましたが、他業者より驚くほどお安くしていただけました。担当の方も礼儀正しく好感が持てました。またよろしくお願いします。 (Translated by Google) We collected bulky gar...店舗の粗大ゴミを回収していただきましたが、他業者より驚くほどお安くしていただけました。担当の方も礼儀正しく好感が持てました。またよろしくお願いします。
(Translated by Google)
We collected bulky garbage from a store, and they were surprisingly cheaper than other companies. The person in charge was also polite and likable. Thank you again. -
08 sak (sak)家の不用品回収をお願いしました。 対応も丁寧で、事前と当日も詳しく説明して頂きました。家もかなりすっきりして、大変助かりました。またお願いしたいと思います。 (Translated by Google) I asked them to c...家の不用品回収をお願いしました。
(Translated by Google)
I asked them to collect unnecessary items from my house.
They were very responsive and provided detailed explanations both beforehand and on the day. My house has become much cleaner, which has been very helpful. I would like to ask you again. -
金田君子この度フジ医療器のマッサージチェアーを廃棄処分して頂きました 大きな物なのに、スマートに男前のお兄さんが2人あっと言う間に作業終了しました 本当に有難う御座いました 又お願いするかも知れません その時は...この度フジ医療器のマッサージチェアーを廃棄処分して頂きました
(Translated by Google)
We recently disposed of Fuji Medical Equipment's massage chair.
Even though it was a big item, two smart and handsome guys finished the work in no time.
Thank you very much.
I may ask you again
Thank you for your support at that time 🙇♀️ -
キレネンコ短時間で綺麗に片付けてくれた。 エアコンも買い取りして頂き 全体的に費用も安く抑えられた。 (Translated by Google) He cleaned it up nicely in a short time. We also purchased the air conditioner, wh...短時間で綺麗に片付けてくれた。 エアコンも買い取りして頂き 全体的に費用も安く抑えられた。
(Translated by Google)
He cleaned it up nicely in a short time. We also purchased the air conditioner, which kept costs down overall. -
エマ丁寧で仕事も早くて次もお願いしたいと思えるお店でした。スタッフの方の対応もとても良かったです。ありがとうございました! (Translated by Google) It was a shop that was polite and worked quickly, and ...丁寧で仕事も早くて次もお願いしたいと思えるお店でした。スタッフの方の対応もとても良かったです。ありがとうございました!
(Translated by Google)
It was a shop that was polite and worked quickly, and I would like to use it again next time. The staff's response was also very good. thank you very much! -
Koma迅速に作業いただき助かりました。 (Translated by Google) Thank you for your quick work.迅速に作業いただき助かりました。
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for your quick work. -
HISAYO N即日対応いただき助かりました。 (Translated by Google) Thank you for your help on the same day.即日対応いただき助かりました。
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for your help on the same day. -
山下浩子亡くなった義母の部屋を片付けてもらいました。 物が無くなって、広さにびっくりです。 有難うございました。 (Translated by Google) I had my late mother-in-law's room cleaned up. I was surprised at how ...亡くなった義母の部屋を片付けてもらいました。
(Translated by Google)
I had my late mother-in-law's room cleaned up.
I was surprised at how spacious it was when everything was gone.
Thank you very much. -
大谷尚基素早い対応と丁寧な説明を受けることができました。 金額面含めて良心的なサービスを受けることができました。 (Translated by Google) I received a quick response and a thorough explanation. I was able to...素早い対応と丁寧な説明を受けることができました。
(Translated by Google)
I received a quick response and a thorough explanation.
I was able to receive good service, including the price. -
澤田奈美すぐに来て下さり、こちらの無理を最大限に対応していただき、安心してお願いできました。またご縁がありましたらお願いしたいと思います。 ありがとうございました。 (Translated by Google) They came right a...すぐに来て下さり、こちらの無理を最大限に対応していただき、安心してお願いできました。またご縁がありましたらお願いしたいと思います。
(Translated by Google)
They came right away and did their best to accommodate my difficult situation, which made me feel at ease. I would like to ask you to work with me again if I have the opportunity.
thank you very much. -
佐々倉大樹義父の遺品整理をお願いしました。良心的な価格で仕事も迅速で大変満足かつ助かりました。 (Translated by Google) I asked him to organize my father-in-law's belongings. The work was done quickly and at ...義父の遺品整理をお願いしました。良心的な価格で仕事も迅速で大変満足かつ助かりました。
(Translated by Google)
I asked him to organize my father-in-law's belongings. The work was done quickly and at a reasonable price, and I was very satisfied and helpful. -
福田凌担当カワバタさんでした。 細かい見積もりまで詳しく説明していただいてほとんど回収していただいた。 次回の機会があれば必ず利用したい。 (Translated by Google) Mr. Kawabata was in charge. He explained e...担当カワバタさんでした。
(Translated by Google)
Mr. Kawabata was in charge.
He explained everything in detail, including the detailed estimate, and we were able to get most of the money back.
I would definitely like to use it again if I have the next opportunity. -
松村恵初めての依頼で不安でしたが丁寧に説明していただき手際も良く作業していただきました。ありがとうございました。 (Translated by Google) I was nervous as it was my first request, but they explained thing...初めての依頼で不安でしたが丁寧に説明していただき手際も良く作業していただきました。ありがとうございました。
(Translated by Google)
I was nervous as it was my first request, but they explained things to me thoroughly and did the work efficiently. thank you very much.